Monday, 27 April 2020

Target Market


I need to consider the following factors in my target market:
  • Demographics
  • Sociographics
  • Psychographics
  • Geographics
  • Behaviours
After class where the tutor introduced many ways to do the target market, I decided to adopt the form of the electronic questionnaires. 

The questionnaires may include:
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Number of children (if any)
  • Occupation
  • Education level
  • Living status (homeowner or renter)
  • Most importantly, and the key to this project, there are many activities at the community centre.
(The above information is from lecture notes)

Investigation Form

1. My google form address :

2.My target: 
Villagers and tourists in the XIidi village

3. Analysis
I couldn't get enough feedback because the people in the project area couldn't open my form. So I selected five of my friends and relatives of different ages and collected feedback through telephone interviews.

Most of the interviewees are female

One of them was 19 to 25 years old, two were 26 to 35 years old, and two were 36 to 50 years old.

One had a graduate degree, three had a college degree, and one had missed the question.

Most of them have been employed.

Two participants have one kid, and three do not have children.

6)free time: most of them have free time in the evening.

7)indoor or outdoor activities:  
They prefer to do outdoor activities.

Two people like to read books, and the other three like doing yoga, playing basketball and playing with children.

9)how often:  
Half never participated in community activities, and half participated occasionally.

10)past activities: 
Most activities are sports, festivals in their community.

11)how many people:
In most of their communities, only a few people participate in community activities.

12)restaurant or drink shop: 
Most people want a drink shop in their communities.

13) favourite area of the unity centre:
Two thought it was a library, one thought it was a multimedia room, and two said they had not paid attention to it.


1. In these feedback form, I can extract some information from it, such as there should be a reading area, a sports area in the community centre. As for the beverage shop, since the project is located in an ancient village, I plan to make it into a teahouse, because tea Is a kind of traditional drink.

2. I could not get much information about the community centre ,because there were only 5 selected interviewees.

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Software Test

In the project, I will use three kinds of software. And they are the software I use most often in my previous working and studying life.


'AutoCAD® is a computer-aided design (CAD) software that architects, engineers, and construction professionals rely on to create precise 2D and 3D drawings.' ( 
The software USES screenshots of the interface
My AutoCAD:
1)Edition: 2014(Simplified Chinese)
2)Function: draw the floor plan, elevation and profile 
3)Strength: easy to learn and operate, powerful function

Testing: In the screenshots, the drawing is my site.
Operation: taking drawing a floor plan.

1) I opened the CAD and set up the work interface. 
Generally, it is a classic interface, that is, the background is black and the drawing is of other colours.

2) I set colours and layers for lines with different structures and effects.
In the CAD drawing process, different colour lines are used to represent different structures, and then different colour lines are placed on different 'layers'. Generally speaking, the building control line is red, the walls and columns are white, and the building line is grey.

3) I draw the lines that represent the base, and then I make a 'block' for those lines.
This helps keep the base linear.

4) I refined the architecture in Sketchup and made drawings in CAD with various tools after finalizing the drawings.

5) Before I drew my architectural drawings, I set the axes according to the model in Sketchup.
Generally speaking, the axis uses the red line. After drawing all the axes with the line tool, I made them into a block.

6) I mainly used linear and other linear tools to add walls and columns based on the axis and Sketchup model. 
In the process, I may use various tools. such as the 'Extend' and 'Trim' tools when crossing lines and lines, and the 'Pline' tool to combine individual and interconnected lines into a whole.

7) I add architectural details such as doors, windows, homes, etc.

8) According to the architectural drawing specification, I added some text, landscape, and small labels.
The software USES screenshots of the interface


'Sketchup (formerly Google Sketchup) is 3D modelling software that’s easy to use and has an extensive database of user-created models available for download. You can use it to sketch (or import) models to assist with all kinds of projects—furniture building, video game creation, 3D printing, interior design, and whatever else you can think of.'(Gavin, 2018)
The software USES screenshots of the interface
My Sketchup:
1)Edition: 2014(Simplified Chinese)
2)Plug-in: Encape 
3)Function: do electronic models, research block of building & space, and make effect pictures
4)Strength: easy to learn and operate, powerful function

Testing:  In the screenshots, the models are about my idea.
Operation: taking a simple model

Although both CAD and Sketchup have layer tools, I rarely use them in my work with SketchUp. Unlike CAD, the lines in Sketchup have no colour. Instead, the faces can be painted.
1) I based my CAD liberal arts on the base, connecting faces in Sketchup.

2) I use straight lines and other lines to draw the plane, and then I use the 'stretch' tool to stretch the block.

3) During the block elaboration stage, I usually make single-sided blocks, which only reflect simple forms. After confirming the scheme, I will start the refined production.

4) I used the 'paint bucket' tool to add various materials to the building, such as glass, green space, wood, etc.

As for 'plug-in: Encape', I found that the plugin was no longer available on my laptop.

Adobe Photoshop

'The world's best imaging and graphic design software are at the core of just about every creative project, from photo editing and compositing to digital painting, animation, and graphic design. And now you can harness the power of Photoshop across desktop and iPad to create wherever inspiration strikes.'(
The software USES screenshots of the interface
My Photoshop:
1)Edition: CC 2017(Simplified Chinese)
2)Function: retouching and typesetting
3)Strength: easy to learn and operate, powerful function

Testing:  In the screenshots, this is my work interface.
Operation: Taking the floor plan that appears in the final board.

Layers are also an important feature in photoshop.PS is a professional retouching software, I think the 'paint bucket' tool is a common tool for it. 

1) I used photoshop to open the image I was trying to fix. The image is from CAD, just a series of black lines. 
I set this line sketch to a layer.

2) I used the 'magic wand' tool to select the space between the two walls and filled the wall with the 'paint bucket' tool.
This filled wall is on a separate layer.

3) I used the magic wand tool to select the space enclosed by the furniture lines and fill it with another colour, still on a different layer.

4) I double-click on the furniture layer with the left mouse button to select the projection option from the blending options.
This operation makes the furniture three-dimensional.

The software USES screenshots of the interface

Intranduction & Idea of the community centre

About Project

1.Title: Community centre
The site is designed to be located in Xidi village, Huangshan city, Anhui province, China. There is a visitor centre on the site.
(When I travelled here six years ago, the old village made me feel pleasantly surprised and nostalgic. In the project, I need a narrow and characteristic place, so I immediately thought of this place.)
This is an ancient village where many tourists can go every year. 

3.Aim:I am going to design a community centre for people who live in the village to participate in various activities. In the small and ancient village, residents need some space to celebrate some festivals and hold some activities together. 

4.Design Constraints:
(according to the aim and location, I can come up with some design limits)
  • there is a complete wall on the side of the street as a display card.
  • The style of the project must be consistent with the surrounding ancient house.
  • The project complies with Chinese regulations.
5.The Size & Surrounding of the site:

Site diagram

The surrounding residential
(I took the photo)

  • 24 meter * 35meter,
  • located in a residential area
  • surrounded on three sides by six-meter high ancient houses to the north, south and east
  • on the street to the west

6.Building Area:
  • Teahouse &Llibray: 200 square meter
  • Activity room: 200 square meter
  • Toilet
  • Stairs
  • Hall: 50 square meter

Ideas (may)


    1)bare concrete: used in wall and structure

Liangzhu Village Cultural Art Centre/Tadao Ando 
    2)wood: used in exterior finish
Capsule Hotel and Bookstore in Village Qinglongwu / Atelier tao+c
   3)tile: used in roof and landscape
Community Cultural Center / Studio Dali Architects
2. Concept:
Based on the location of the site, I only choose the east side as the base entrance.

I came up with the following two schemes for entrance because there needs to be a large wall on the street face to set as a publicity bar in the design condition.
I choose the first scheme because the coffee shop is designed to open the public and I do not hope Coffee drinkers disturb the residents of the activity room too much. There are two entrances: the one is the main entrance of the coffee shop, and the other is the main entrance of residents.

    2)The layout: a two-floor building & a garden

there are exercise areas, water areas and green areas. The reason why I design the garden is that the residents of the village need some simple exercise equipment and facing the water is a good experience when people are drinking tea or reading books. 
➹The two-floor building:
(In the picture from 'SketchUp' below: 
the light gree block: house
the grey block: community centre)
If the whole building is tiled into one floor, the garden will be smaller.
So, I choose the two-floor building.

     3) Block Deformation(may)

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Design Plan(may) and Assignment Book


1. Deadline: week five
2. TImetable:
  • week three: think of assignment book and the overall layout on Milanote
  • week four: target market investigation, research at least three architectures or architects, and making the electronic models to deliberate on architectural space or details
  • week five: make the final piece
  • AutoCAD
  • Sketch UP
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • plug-in

Assignment Book 

1. Project title: community centre

2. Project condition (may)
  • site: this is in a narrow neighbourhood where the residents need a public gathering place. 
  • I set this project in China because I do not know about the British building regulations.
3. AIm:
With the improvement of people's economic situation, Chinese people's demand for cultural life is increasing day by day. In rural China, such public cultural centres are still rare. I will design a community centre that nearby residents can talk with others and do small activities here.

4. Site:
  • 24 meter * 35meter, 
  • located in a residential area
  • surrounded on three sides by six-meter high houses to the north, south and west 
  • on the street to the east.
5. Building Area (may):
  • Teahouse &Llibray: 150-250 square meter
  • Activity room: 150-250 square meter
  • Toilet
  • Stairs
  • Hall: 50 square meter
  • Warehouse

Friday, 10 April 2020

Design of Final Board


SketchUp 2016: it is a good software to make models
Adobe Photoshop CC 2017: it is a good software to typeset.

2. The layout of the final board: 

1)initial idea:

2)adjust the initial layout:
Ps operation interface screenshot
I am going to use a picture of an interior scene in the upper right corner of the main design of the packaging, as it is one of the highlights of the main design and an obvious mark of the Mid-Autumn festival.

In this layout, the title uses the title font on the main pattern and is sized to fit the page size.

3. The element of the final board

1) design drawing:
I drew the dimensions of the package on Sketchup and then exported a picture from Sketchup.
Sketchup operation interface screenshot
2) rendering
I made the model of the mooncake box on Sketchup and then made several pictures from various angles.
Sketchup operation interface screenshot
3) text:
I wrote a project overview and a brand story.

4. FInal board


Project overview:
The project is to redesign the existing project, and I choose a mooncakes box from Hongkong MX Group. The mooncake is one of the most popular traditional bakery products in China, and people from Greater China can share it with families and friends during the Mid-Autumn festival. The packaging is important for sellers because the mooncake box has been as the gift box. But I do not think that over-packing is a good thing. I hope that I can design a simple and exquisite mooncake box.

Brand story
My brand story is to show a kind of Mid-Autumn moon, heaven and earth together to celebrate the atmosphere of the festival, and express a kind of idea that Mid-Autumn moon cake box is not just a gift box. For Lava Custard mooncakes, this is a new taste compared to the traditional filling of mooncakes. I believe that one layer of the new packaging can make people enjoy the experience better because unpacking can be a less pleasant activity if there are many layers of packaging.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Design of the Main Pattern:

Design goals:
I would like to show a kind of Mid-Autumn moon, heaven and earth together to celebrate the atmosphere of the festival through various elements, colours, fonts, to express a kind of idea that Mid-Autumn moon cake box is not just a gift box.

Known Information of Design (possible)
1. The size of the mooncakes box: 332 x 170 x 61 mm
2. The mode of packaging: 
 3. Elements of the main pattern on the top:
  • butterfly
  • moon
  • the goddess in the moon
  • rabbit
  • lantern
  • hill 
  • water
  • house
  • the crowd
  • other Chinese & natural symbols
I use Adobe Illustrator CS6 to draw the main pattern because the software is more suitable and convenient to draw the digital pattern.
In the project, I use various tools of this software, such as pens, brushes, rectangles, ellipses, lines and so on.

The main pattern:
1.The layout of the main pattern on the top:
The original idea: the axial symmetry layout
the original idea
Fonts: The font of the Chinese & English name becomes circular. The Chinese ones are bigger, the English ones are much smaller. Also, time and logo are together and use a square font like seals.

I found that it is boring and the size of some elements is too big.

The second idea: the eccentric composition.
the second idea
Analysis chart

line element

I combined the line element with the circle element to form a basic composition. 
This is a scene of admiring the moon in the main pattern. The spaceline is from heaven to earth.

2. Digital Elements of  the main pattern
After drawing on the laptop and use some pattern I looked at before, I found that drawing the yard and the crowd is difficult to show a festival scene. 
Next, I decided to change other elements and searched for some pictures with the paper-cut style.
Then, replaced the courtyard with pavilions and the crowds with lanterns. 
Finally, I placed some lanterns and butterflies on the winding road that connects the mountains at the bottom with the clouds in the sky, trying to create a lively festival atmosphere.
AI operation interface screenshot
1) the goddess in the moon& rabbit& lantern:  
draw network material as lines in AI

2) butterfly: 
draw the hand-drawn material in AI
simplify the paper-cut pavilion pictures on the Internet and draw them with AI
According to a symbol of the heart of the auspicious clouds in the AI drawing, and then deformation
3. Colour
I try to use silver and mazarine that is the symbol of the night, and then I found that it is not suitable to show the cool colour in the festival box because the cool colour may make people feel loneliness. 
Thus, I choose light yellow, deep yellow and mazarine, and these colours can express a kind of Mid-Autumn moon night.

AI operation interface screenshot
4. Fonts
Style: Handwritten Chinese characters + typewritten English characters,
Handwritten Chinese that are caught in circles but left out indicate the filling characteristics of Lava Custard Mooncake. And the typewritten English characters can generate an effect of line.
the filling of MX mooncakes
There are four groups of fonts and I choose the last one.
possible fonts
final fonts
5. Final pattern
AI operation interface screenshot
The picture shows a festival scene that people is admiring moon when the goddess in the moon is admiring earth on the Mid-Autumn festival. The pavilion and the lantern is the symbol of the earth, and the cloud, the moon and the goddess represent heaven.

New project for website & Reflection for all works

1. New project: Waterfront Hotel  I inserted pictures and descriptions according to the template on my website. Based on the logo on my fina...